Thursday 23 November 2017

Zagreb - Tale of Two Cities

Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, is a fascinating city of almost a million people with a downtown area which is divided into the Upper Town (older historic buildings) and Lower Town (modern malls and cafes). At the centre of these two areas lies Ban Jelicic Square with the statue of local hero Ban Josip Jelicic. Behind this square we found the most amazing outdoor market (we've seen quite a few) called Dolac Market. Other highlights were the tallest building in Croatia the Zagreb cathedral (with the tomb of the Croatian martyr Cardinal Aloysius Stepanic) and the St. Mark's Church (with the Croatian flag on its roof). Walking through the Lower Town was one cafe and park after another. Zagreb is a city with lots going on (and we just missed the beginning of the Christmas season which it is famous for).

By the way, in many European countries All Saints Day is a very big deal so the cemeteries are very colourful in November. We found them to be beautiful to visit.

We make it a point to try and walk as much of a city as possible but we also want to see the surrounding area. We spent a wonderful Sunday afternoon driving and exploring all around the city. First we found an incredibly large Olympic water sport area called Juna Park that has beaches, rowing clubs, and sailing. We also visited Maksimir Park which was an explosion of fall colours. Our highlight was driving up into the mountains that overlook the city. The sun was just setting (that's around 4 pm these days) and the view of the city below was stunning. We were pleasantly surprised at how much this city has to offer. I know I've said it before but this place deserves a little more time.

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