Monday 23 October 2017

Corte - The Heart of Corsica

We drove into the interior of Corsica to the one time capital city of Corte. The drive through the mountains was beautiful with many uniquely shaped peaks. We made numerous stops because of the incredible views. Our Corsican Airbnbs were all wonderful but our host Isabelle really made us feel at home with her spacious guest house in the countryside. Our highlight was driving up the otherwordly Vallee de la Restonica west of Corte. The main roads that connect the cities are two lanes and a relaxing drive. Once you get off of these roads, however, hold on tight. The drive up the valley was the skinniest, windiest, scariest drive of our trip so far (which is really saying something). The scenery is jaw dropping beautiful but it is hard to look around when oncoming traffic pushes you to the edge of your single track road and there is no shoulder, no railing, and no bottom to the cliff you are teetering on. I wanted to take some pictures of the road but Elaine refused to let me get out of the car. We had a few traumatizing moments but when we got to the parking area, the grandeur of our surroundings took over. I hiked up to the two elevated lakes with one panaromic view after another to motivate me. I shouldn't say hiked because I rarely got to walk. Instead it was almost two hours of climbing (with some ladders and chains for the really steep sections) and then two hours of descending, a lot of it on my butt. And guess who was passing me - seniors and families with little children. These Corsicans are a different breed! Corsica may be famous for its beaches but its mountains are second to none.

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